AGES 18-29

Annual Well Visit
Vaccinations: Flu, COVID-19~, Human Papillomavirus (HPV)*, Pneumonia^, Hepatitis B (HepB)*, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)~
Disease Screening: Sexually Transmitted Infection

Cancer Screening: Cervical Cancer
* = if not previously vaccinated
^ = as indicated
~ = based on current recommendation, if not up to date
• = not a complete list of recommended
AGES 30-39

Annual Well Visit
Vaccinations: Flu, COVID-19~, Human Papillomavirus (HPV)*, Pneumonia^, Hepatitis B (HepB)*, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)~
Disease Screening: Diabetes

Cancer Screening: Cervical Cancer
* = if not previously vaccinated
^ = as indicated
~ = based on current recommendation, if not up to date
• = not a complete list of recommended
AGES 40-49

Annual Well Visit
Vaccinations: Flu, COVID-19~, Pneumonia^, Hepatitis B (HepB)*, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)~
Cancer Screening: Colorectal

Cancer Screening: Cervical Cancer, Breast (Mammogram)
* = if not previously vaccinated
^ = as indicated
~ = based on current recommendation, if not up to date
• = not a complete list of recommended
AGES 50-59

Annual Well Visit
Vaccinations: Flu, COVID-19~, Pneumonia^, Hepatitis B (HepB)*, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)~, Shingles*
Cancer Screening: Colorectal, Lung

Cancer Screening: Prostate

Cancer Screening: Cervical Cancer, Breast (Mammogram)
* = if not previously vaccinated
^ = as indicated
~ = based on current recommendation, if not up to date
• = not a complete list of recommended
AGES 60-69

60-64 YEARS:
Annual Well Visit
65-69 YEARS:
Yearly Check
Vaccinations: Flu, COVID-19~, Pneumonia^, Hepatitis B (HepB)*, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)~, Shingles*
Cancer Screening: Colorectal, Lung

Cancer Screening: Prostate, Disease Screening: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Cancer Screening: Cervical Cancer, Breast (Mammogram), Disease Screening: Osteoporosis
* = if not previously vaccinated
^ = as indicated
~ = based on current recommendation, if not up to date
• = not a complete list of recommended
AGES 70+

Yearly Check
Vaccinations: Flu, COVID-19~, Pneumonia^, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (TDaP)~
Cancer Screening: Colorectal

Cancer Screening: Breast (Mammogram)
* = if not previously vaccinated
^ = as indicated
~ = based on current recommendation, if not up to date
• = not a complete list of recommended